Pixels movie reviews christian
Pixels movie reviews christian

pixels movie reviews christian

Maybe Ridley Scott, the director, never picked up a Bible. If anything, it goes out of its way to change it and reshape it into a secularized mold void of truth and reverence. The last few decades have clearly demonstrated that Hollywood is no friend of the Bible. With its secularized and disrespectful portrayal of the Almighty God and Moses who has the audacity to argue with the Creator of the Universe and tell Him he doesn’t like what he’s doing, this film is a slap in the face of Jews and Christians who hold the account of Moses and the Exodus in high regard. “Exodus: Gods and Kings” is a great example of what Hollywood can do to screw up a basic story that millions of people know and love. Is anyone in Hollywood listening? Hey, we’re biblical conservatives! Yeah, I know that’s kinda like a couplet of four-letter words to you guys. But, we don’t want Hollywood secularists taking stories like the Exodus and turning it into a sham.

pixels movie reviews christian

We Christians love properly represented accounts taken from the pages of our sacred writ and we’ll fork over cash for the privilege. That way people will actually want to go see it. If you want to make a movie based on a Bible story, then stick to the Bible story. Hollywood? Knock knock? Anyone there? Here is some advice. He’s a great actor, but even his skills couldn’t save this film. Don’t waste your time and don’t support this movie.Ĭhristian Bale plays Moses and he does a fine job, as usual. In Exodus, Gods and Kings, the anglo actors playing Egyptians, the African slaves, Pharaoh’s lackey with a Scottish accent, God as a 10-year old boy who learns, Moses arguing with God and writing the Ten Commandments, and other unfortunate, unbiblical befuddlements relegate this film into the ever-growing Hollywood-screwed-up-again crap-pile of cinematic idiocy.

Pixels movie reviews christian